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Why Analytics?

By now you would have heard a lot of people talking about the power of data and using a data driven approach to marketing, in essence this approach is nothing new as companies have always had a data driven approach to their products and services even if this may have...

Top 5 Tips For Google Analytics

Have you ever wondered if your google analytics (GA) has been setup correctly? Here are some quick things you can look at to see if your analytics setup is up to scratch. 1. How have the views within Google Analaytics been setup?  ​ Aside from setting up your separate...

What The Hell Are Tracking Tags?

You may have heard people discussing how they need to “tag up” certain parts of a website though beyond figuring out that this refers to some form of tracking understanding how it all works can be confusing, particularly when you a being bombarded with technical...

How to Implement Hotjar Using GTM

Google Analytics is a a powerful tool to look at how your users are interacting across your site and how your digital channels are working for you. But  sometimes it is useful to get a quick visual representation or a recording of what is happening across certain...