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One of the major advantages of google analytics is the fact that it integrates with google advertising platforms. Not only does it allow you to easily see how your advertising strategies are driving activity and conversions across your website but it also allows you to use that rich behavioural data to segment and export these audiences for remarketing purposes. In this article I am going to give you a quick guide on how you can start to analyse your top performing and lowest performing keywords.

Cleaning House

First it might be instructive to look at how people are coming to your website through your adwords campaigns.

You may discover that a lot of people who are looking for something completely different are ending up on your website by clicking your ads, they will most likely not be in your target audience and be ready to convert.

If you go to the search query report under Acquisition > Adwords > Search Queries you can see what specific search term users typed into google to get to your site, from there it might be instructive to filter either by ecommerce revenue or conversion rate and or any one of your goals that you are currently using to measure website performance.
From here you will easily be able to identify some search queries that make no sense for your business, here you will get an idea of how relevant the audience is that is being attracted to your site. 

You can also break down the search queries by the keyword or campaign secondary dimension to determine which ads drove them there. Should you need to you can also look to export the list into a csv, excel and various other formats so you can easily extract and paste them into your negative keyword list. Otherwise you can also directly add and remove keywords inside of your adwords search term report. 

Finding High Performers

Inversely it may also be important to look at your high performing keywords which you can do under the keyword report, again you can filter on goal completion, ecommerce metrics or any other metric which indicates a success to you (i.e. it could be time on page or some other engagement metric). One thing to note here if you are seeing (not set) it could be due to your adwords account not being connected, a redirect or a tracking error. Also you may want to filter out the (not set) keywords or queries to get a cleaner view.

Although the list view is useful I find that sometimes in order to get a quick visual representation it is better to pull this data into Google Data Studio and place the values on a scatter plot to identify outliers on both sides of the spectrum.

This can be done with various metrics, I like to use revenue vs cost to get an indication as to how much revenue each keyword, campaign or search query is generating vs how much it costs.
From here it might be easier to identify those low performing keywords and with context develop hypothesis as to why this is occurring. Of course the metrics you choose will be dependent on your business and objectives with your campaigns. The great thing about data studio is that it’s easy to pull in metrics and dimensions to build your reports.

This is only scratching the surface of what can be done using google analytics but it will give you a better idea of what is currently working and what isn’t in a pinch.